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Дата регистрации: 21-04-2024
Дата рождения: January 1
Местное время: 08-09-2024 - 08:00 PM

Основная информация murciazmfc
Регистрация: 21-04-2024
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Дополнительная информация о murciazmfc
Bio: Doctor Glickman’s popular scientific publications, called Phantom Notes™, were created in 17 editions and have actually been offered in over 90% of US and Canadian Health Science and Medical School Bookstores.

Offered in well over thirty nations, and published in numerous foreign languages, consisting of Chinese, Phantom Notes™ explained the significant medical disciplines of Internal Medicine, Surgery, OB-Gyn, and Pediatrics.

Doctor Glickman’s medical books assisted in the training of countless medical students and nursing students responsible for millions of of people.

Phantom Notes™ were known to be an indispensable tool for medical doctors and nurses who required the important treatments right away.

Phantom Notes™ assisted them to make the proper diagnosis in a serious emergency situation on the hospital wards.

Medical students and doctors have written lots of compliments about the Phantom Notes™.
Sex: Male